
Red Flag Parking Restrictions WILL BE LIFTED Tomorrow Jan 24, 2025 01/23/2025

Red Flag Parking Restrictions WILL BE LIFTED Tomorrow Jan 24, 2025; 04:00PM; The City of Los Angeles Red Flag Parking Restrictions will be LIFTED at 8:00AM TOMORROW January 24, 2025. ; Margaret Stewart
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Red Flag Parking Restrictions REMAIN IN EFFECT 1/23/25 01/23/2025

Red Flag Parking Restrictions REMAIN IN EFFECT 1/23/25; 07:24AM;; Red Flag Parking Restrictions REMAIN IN EFFECT today, January 23, 2025, and until further notice. It is important that fire apparatus have room to respond quickly to a fast-moving brush fire while simultaneously allowing residents to evacuate, if necessary. During Red Flag Parking Restrictions period, vehicles illegally parked in posted locations within the Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zones (VHFHSZ) will be towed. For areas in the VHFHSZ, please look for the "Red Flag Days" no parking signs and ensure you do not violate the restriction. Visit for up-to-date information on the status. Link above for an interactive map of the affected streets; Margaret Stewart
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FORWARD PROGRESS STOPPED - EVACUATION WARNING LIFTED Brush Fire - SEPULVEDA FIRE; INC#2073; 01:55AM; Nb 405 Fy;; Sherman Oaks; All Forward Progress Stopped with the fire held at approximately 40 acres. The Evacuation Warning is LIFTED. There are no structures damaged and no injuries reported. Firefighters will remain on scene through the night conducting mop up operations to ensure no hot spots remain. Traffic on the 405 Freeway will likely remain impacted as crews and apparatus work alongside the freeway. Drivers are advised to refer to for traffic updates.; FS 109; Batt 10; Valley Bureau; Council District 4; AO1 AO2 BC10 BC12 BC14 BC17 BC717 BC9 BP109 BP19 BP28 BP41 BP44 BP74 BP8 BP84 BP99 CM3 CM40 CM41 CM42 CM51 DZ45 E10 E100 E102 E109 E19 E2 E20 E202 E207 E221 E226 E237 E239 E260 E269 E27 E273 E275 E278 E287 E288 E289 E29 E290 E293 E3 E305 E35 E38 E443 E447 E458 E462 E59 E60 E61 E63 E66 E69 E73 E76 E81 E83 E84 E85 E86 E88 E89 E93 E97 E99 EA2 EM14 EM17 EM9 H1 H3 H4 HA1 HA3 HA4 HE2 HT2 PB35 PB37 RA102 RA39 RA78 RA83 RA839 RA878 RA88 RA99 RI200 T88 WT77; CH5; 12 18; Margaret Stewart
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Update Brush Fire - SEPULVEDA FIRE 01/23/2025 INC#2073

Update Brush Fire - SEPULVEDA FIRE; INC#2073; 12:51AM; Nb 405 Fy;; Sherman Oaks; The combined aerial and ground attack has made good progress against the fire. There is no extension to the Evacuation Warning zone at this time, it remains in effect within the Genasys Zones LOS-Q0800 show in the map linked above. (NORTH OF I-405 N, W Sunset Blvd SOUTH OF Linda Flora Dr, Moraga Dr EAST OF I-405 N WEST OF Bellagio Rd) Approximately 250 firefighters are onscene. ; FS 109; Batt 10; Valley Bureau; Council District 4; AO1 AO2 BC10 BC12 BC14 BC17 BC717 BC9 BP109 BP19 BP28 BP41 BP44 BP74 BP8 BP84 BP99 CM40 CM41 CM42 CM51 E10 E100 E102 E109 E19 E2 E20 E202 E207 E221 E226 E237 E239 E260 E269 E27 E273 E275 E278 E287 E288 E289 E29 E290 E293 E3 E305 E35 E38 E443 E447 E458 E462 E59 E60 E61 E63 E66 E69 E73 E76 E81 E83 E84 E85 E86 E88 E89 E93 E97 E99 EM14 EM17 EM9 H1 H3 H4 HA1 HA3 HA4 HT2 PB35 PB37 RA102 RA39 RA78 RA83 RA839 RA878 RA88 RA99 T88 WT77; CH5; 18; Margaret Stewart
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Brush Fire - EVACUATION WARNING 01/22/2025 INC#2073

Brush Fire - EVACUATION WARNING; INC#2073; 11:42PM; Nb 405 Fy;; Sherman Oaks; EVACUATION WARNING: Issued for the residents SOUTH of 1500 block of Casiano Rd NORTH of Moraga Dr EAST of Sepulveda Blvd WEST of Chalon Rd. There is an approximately 10 acre brush fire burning on the Sepulveda Pass. Stay alert, vigilant and follow LAFD Alerts.; FS 109; Batt 10; Valley Bureau; Council District 4; AO1 AO2 BC10 BC12 BC14 BC17 BC717 BC9 BP109 BP19 CM40 CM41 CM42 CM51 E10 E100 E102 E109 E19 E2 E20 E202 E207 E221 E226 E237 E239 E260 E269 E27 E273 E275 E278 E287 E288 E289 E29 E290 E293 E3 E305 E35 E38 E443 E447 E458 E462 E59 E60 E61 E63 E66 E69 E73 E76 E81 E83 E84 E85 E86 E88 E89 E93 E97 E99 H1 H3 H4 HA1 HA3 HA4 HT2 PB35 PB37 T88 WT77; CH5; 18; Margaret Stewart
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Brush Fire 01/22/2025 INC#2073

Brush Fire; INC#2073; 11:01PM; Nb 405 Fy;; Sherman Oaks; Approximately one acre of heavy brush burning under light (5mph) winds. ; FS 109; Batt 10; Valley Bureau; Council District 4; AO1 AO2 BC10 BC9 BP109 CM40 CM41 CM42 E10 E100 E109 E2 E20 E202 E207 E221 E226 E27 E287 E288 E29 E3 E35 E38 E447 E60 E61 E63 E66 E69 E73 E83 E85 E88 E89 E93 E99 H1 H3 H4 HA1 HA3 HA4 PB35 PB37 T88 WT77; CH5; 18; Margaret Stewart
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KNOCKDOWN Structure Fire 01/22/2025 INC#1774

KNOCKDOWN Structure Fire; INC#1774; 08:05PM; 2103 E 103rd St;; Watts; KNOCKDOWN: 18 firefighters extinguished fire in one room of one unit in 18 minutes with no injuries reported. No further details.; FS 65; Batt 13; South Bureau; Council District 15; BC13 E264 E65 RA65 T33 T64; CH9; 12; Margaret Stewart
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Structure Fire 01/22/2025 INC#1774

Structure Fire; INC#1774; 07:47PM; 2103 E 103rd St;; Watts; Two-story, multi-family dwelling with fire in one unit. Firefighters are in the offensive mode.; FS 65; Batt 13; South Bureau; Council District 15; BC13 E264 E65 RA65 T33 T64; CH9; 12; Margaret Stewart
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Red Flag Parking Restrictions REMAIN IN EFFECT 1/23/25 01/22/2025

Red Flag Parking Restrictions REMAIN IN EFFECT 1/23/25; 05:00PM;; Red Flag Parking Restrictions REMAIN IN EFFECT for tomorrow, January 23, 2025, and until further notice. It is important that fire apparatus have room to respond quickly to a fast-moving brush fire while simultaneously allowing residents to evacuate, if necessary. During Red Flag Parking Restrictions period, vehicles illegally parked in posted locations within the Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zones (VHFHSZ) will be towed. For areas in the VHFHSZ, please look for the "Red Flag Days" no parking signs and ensure you do not violate the restriction. Visit for up-to-date information on the status. Link above for an interactive map of the affected streets; Margaret Stewart
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Brush Fire - Hughes Fire 01/22/2025 INC#0774

Brush Fire - Hughes Fire; INC#0774; 11:30AM; Lake Hughes Rd;; outside city; LAFD has four (five-engine) strike teams enroute to assist at the Hughes Fire, totaling 20 fire engines. One of the strike teams comprises engines from Culver City, Beverly Hills and Santa Monica Fire in addition to one LAFD engine. There are also two dozer teams and additional command staff enroute. ; FS 18; Batt 15; Valley Bureau; Council District outside city; CM40 CM42 DT1 DZ41 E10 E13 E17 E1B E2 E263 E27 E38 E3S E42C E61 E63 E67 E6S E73 E85 E89 E93 E94 E98 PB35 PB37 TP1; CH5; 17; Margaret Stewart
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