
Structure Fire 02/20/2022 INC#1651

Structure Fire; INC#1651; 11:17PM; 146 N Ardmore Av;; Koreatown; Detached garage, well involved in fire which extended to the vegetation in the backyard and to the backside of the residence. The fire also is impinging on the structure exposed on the Delta (south) side (neighboring property) Firefighters are in the offensive mode and making good progress. No injuries reported.; FS 52; Batt 5; West Bureau; Council District 10; BC5 E220 E229 E235 E35 E52 E6 RA52 RA6 T20 T29 T35; CH9; 14; Margaret Stewart
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Confined Space Rescue 02/19/2022 INC#0921

Confined Space Rescue; INC#0921; 03:13PM; 931 N Everett St;; Echo Park; An approximately 25yo female patient fell down (estimated greater than 10') into a cement lined shaft at a construction site and sustained what appear to be non-life threatening injuries. She is in stable condition. Some resources are being released as this is not a 'confined space' operation because it is an open, cement lined shaft (stable, no issue of collapse and no ventilation concerns). Firefighters are evaluating her injuries to determine the safest method of bringing her back to the surface. ; FS 3; Batt 1; Central Bureau; Council District 1; BC1 BC11 E11 E203 E211 E220 E3 EM1 HR3 RA20 RA3 T11 T20 T3 UR3 UR88; CH7; 13; Margaret Stewart
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Cliff Rescue, San Pedro 02/19/2022 INC#0563

Cliff Rescue, San Pedro; INC#0563; 11:56AM; 1 Point Fermin;; San Pedro; The patient (approximately 20yo female) was determined deceased on scene and a body recovery operation will take place (litter basket operation). One firefighter was injured in the operation and a hoist rescue was conducted to safely retrieve and transport to the hospital. The firefighter sustained non-life threatening injuries and was in fair condition on transport. Any questions regarding the cliff rescue victim are referring to LAPD Harbor Div Inc#1612. No further details.; FS 48; Batt 6; South Bureau; Council District 15; BC13 BC4 BC6 BT1 BT4 BT5 CM22 E101 E205 E248 E266 E285 E48 E5 E90 EM13 H0A H0E H2 HA2 RA101 RA85 RH114 T48 T5 T66 T85 UR85 UR88; CH7; 15; Margaret Stewart
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Auto Fire 02/19/2022 INC#0529

Auto Fire; INC#0529; 11:54AM; 700 N Quay Av;; Wilmington; Firefighters extinguished the motorhome fire and then worked to contain and extinguish the outside fire (numerous stacked piles of cardboard). Heavy equipment is responding to help pull apart the piles to ensure the fire is completely extinguished. The tall piles of cardboard can continue to hold heat despite no visible flames and require extensive overhaul operations. No further updates are anticipated. No injuries reported.; FS 38; Batt 6; South Bureau; Council District 15; BC6 E238 E248 E285 E49 E85 EA1 HE1 T38 T48 T85; CH7; 14; Margaret Stewart
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KNOCKDOWN Structure Fire 02/19/2022 INC#0568

KNOCKDOWN Structure Fire; INC#0568; 11:28AM; 17144 W Margate St;; Encino; KNOCKDOWN: 34 firefighters extinguished the fire in 28 minutes with no injuries reported. The fire inside the room was quickly extinguished but firefighters had to chase down stubborn pockets of fire within the attic. Cause and $ loss TBD. No further details.; FS 83; Batt 10; Valley Bureau; Council District 5; BC10 CM42 E273 E293 E83 E88 RA100 RA83 T73 T93; CH9; 18; Margaret Stewart
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Cliff Rescue, San Pedro 02/19/2022 INC#0563

Cliff Rescue, San Pedro; INC#0563; 10:55AM; 1 Point Fermin;; San Pedro; Firefighters have a visual on an adult female approximately 100' down the cliff and are making their way down to the patient. Condition of the patient is unknown at this time.; FS 48; Batt 6; South Bureau; Council District 15; BC13 BC4 BC6 BT1 BT4 BT5 CM22 E101 E205 E248 E266 E285 E48 E5 E90 EM13 H0A H0E H2 HA2 RA101 RH114 T48 T5 T66 T85 UR85 UR88; CH7; 15; Margaret Stewart
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Trapped Vehicle - Fatality 02/19/2022 INC#0511

Trapped Vehicle - Fatality; INC#0511; 10:58AM; Nb 405 Fy;; Van Nuys; Traffic collision (number of vehicles unknown) with one patient sadly determined dead on scene and one who declined LAFD transport (age /genders uknown). Media queries regarding the collision are referred to CHP Log# 1165. Traffic will be impacted for the investigation - for traffic updates No further details; FS 90; Batt 10; Valley Bureau; Council District 6; BC10 E287 E290 E39 E7 E90 EM15 HR3 RA83 RA88 RA89 RA903 T87 T90 UR88; CH8; 18; Margaret Stewart
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Automobile Fire 02/19/2022 INC#0529

Automobile Fire; INC#0529; 10:25AM; 700 N Quay Av;; Wilmington; A motorhome on fire extended to an outside storage area of approximately 50 stacks of cardboard. Additional resources were requested and are reflected in this alert. No injuries reported at this time.; FS 38; Batt 6; South Bureau; Council District 15; BC6 E238 E248 E285 E49 E85 T38 T48 T85; CH7; 14; Margaret Stewart
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KNOCKDOWN Structure Fire 02/19/2022 INC#0437

KNOCKDOWN Structure Fire; INC#0437; 09:40AM; 1874 N Alvarado St;; Echo Park; KNOCKDOWN: 34 firefighters extinguished the fire in 19 minutes with no injuries reported. Firefighters contained the blaze to the unit of origin. Crews are still working to ensure no hot spots remain in the walls and conducting overhaul operations. Cause and $ loss TBD. No further details.; FS 20; Batt 11; Central Bureau; Council District 13; BC11 BC2 E203 E220 E250 E56 EM1 EM13 RA20 RA56 RA6 RA806 T3 T50; CH9; 13; Margaret Stewart
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Structure Fire 02/19/2022 INC#0437

Structure Fire; INC#0437; 09:21AM; 1874 N Alvarado St;; Echo Park; Two story garden style condominiums with heavy smoke showing and fire in one unit. Firefighters are in the offensive mode.; FS 20; Batt 11; Central Bureau; Council District 13; BC11 E203 E220 E250 E56 RA20 RA56 RA806 T3 T50; CH9; 13; Margaret Stewart
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