The 'Spark of Love' Holiday Toy Drive

Deserving children across Southern California eagerly look forward to the annual Spark of Love Holiday Toy Drive. Though the program is sponsored locally by the Los Angeles Fire Department and ABC7, it is powered by the kindness of people like you.
Thanks to your generosity, Spark of Love has assured holiday smiles for 32 years, and lending your support has never been easier:
- Bring a new unwrapped toy or sporting good to any Neighborhood Fire Station or local Subaru retailer or;
- Text the word “SPARK” to 24365. An instant reply provides a link to make a secure credit card donation. This assures the most needed toys are purchased immediately and delivered directly and most efficiently on your behalf to the Toy Central processing center or;
- Donate by mail: Make your check payable to the non-profit LAFD Foundation and write SPARK OF LOVE on the memo line. Mail to: LAFD Foundation, 1700 Stadium Way #100, Los Angeles, CA 90012.
If you are seeking to RECEIVE HOLIDAY TOYS, please CLICK HERE