Sadly, Fire Service Day 2021 is Virtual-Only Again

Every second Saturday in May, your Los Angeles Fire Department hosts Fire Service Day, opening our neighborhood fire station doors to the community for tours, exhibits, and face-to-face interactions with our firefighters (under much better conditions than when you usually see us in times of need). LAFD policies have remained unchanged since last year's first ever Virtual Fire Service Day. Visitors are still not allowed in the fire station. In lieu of the traditional Fire Service Day in-person event, we are asking that you turn to social media and post your fondest Fire Service Day memories. We would like to share many of these memories with our broad viewership, so please tag @losangelesfiredepartment (@LAFD or @LAFDtalk on Twitter) and #LAFDVFSD. Feel free to format your memory as a Story, Post or Tweet, with the previous tags. Below, you will find our Virtual Fire Service Day tours that were filmed last year, as a look into several different aspects of the fire service including our Fire Boats, Air Ops, and Urban Search and Rescue specialties. We can only hope that this 2nd Annual Virtual Fire Service Day will be the last, as we long to see your smiling faces in person and invite you into our "home" (away from home) at the fire station.
LAFD Virtual Fire Service Day 2020 Part 1 - Fire Boats at Fire Station 112
LAFD Virtual Fire Service Day 2020 Part 2 - Fire Boat Water Demonstration
LAFD Virtual Fire Service Day 2020 Part 3 - Fire Station 74 "Ask a Probationary Firefighter"
LAFD Virtual Fire Service Day 2020 Part 4 - Fire Station 74
LAFD Virtual Fire Service Day 2020 Part 5 - Air Ops Intro at Fire Station 114
LAFD Virtual Fire Service Day 2020 Part 6 - Air Ops Training Ride Along
LAFD Virtual Fire Service Day 2020 Part 7 - Task Force 88