
Red Flag Alert - Parking Restrictions Activated Starting Wednesday, December 18, 2024 at 8:00AM

Tuesday, December 17, 2024
Red Flag Restricted Parking Map  View Full Size Map

Due to the forecasted fire weather conditions, the City of Los Angeles is declaring a Red Flag Alert for December 18, 2024. 

The Red Flag Parking Restrictions will start at 8:00AM on December, 18 2024 and will remain in effect for 24 hours.

LAFD uses the specific term "Red Flag Alert" to indicate forecasted or existing "Red Flag" conditions inside the City of Los Angeles. A "Red Flag Alert" is called when the wind speed is 25 miles per hour or more and the relative humidity is 15% or less. History has proven that a combination of strong winds, low humidity and warm temperatures will create explosive fire growth potential. 

It is important that fire apparatus have room to respond quickly to a fast-moving brush fire while simultaneously allowing residents to evacuate, if necessary. For this reason, special parking restrictions may exist on certain narrow streets in brush areas only during “Red Flag Alert” conditions. During Red Flag Parking Restriction periods, vehicles illegally parked in posted locations within the Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zones (VHFHSZ) will be towed. The parking restrictions are planned for at least 24 hours and will be reevaluated based on the weather conditions. For areas in the VHFHSZ, please look for the "Red Flag Days" no parking signs and ensure you do not violate the restriction. 

Your Los Angeles Fire Department will pre-deploy resources and augment staffing on December 18th.  Three three-engine task forces and one five-engine (Type III Wildland Fire Engines) strike team will be pre-deployed at select Neighborhood Fire Stations in-and-near areas prone to wildfire.  Additional staffing will be hired for Air Operations, Brush Patrols, Dozer Strike Team, Water Tenders, Metro Fire Communications and Wildfire Camera Monitoring. 

Not all forecasts become reality, so LAFD Valley Bureau staff conduct real-time weather surveys, monitor Remote Automated Weather Stations (RAWS) in and near the City of Los Angeles and consult the National Weather Service (NWS) to stay abreast of fire weather conditions and forecasts

⇒ Please remember that radio and television weather reports are broadcast to a wider community than the City of Los Angeles, and the information they share on "Red Flag Warnings", for instance, may *not* apply to the areas served by your LAFD.


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