
Put a Freeze on Winter Fires

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

LAFD along with our friends at NFPA &andUSFA are teaming up to remind you that the winter months are the leading time of year for home fires. To help you stay safe, we’re providing a wealth of safety tips and information on cooking, heating, candles and holiday decorating – factors that contribute to the increased risk of home fires in the months ahead.

House covered in snow with the words Put a FREEZE on Winter Fires.
Home Fires Involving Cooking Equipment

Cooking fire fact sheet

Thanksgiving fire fact sheet 

Dangers of turkey fryers

As the winter months approach and temperatures continue to drop, most of us are indoors more and heating our homes to stay warm. Make sure to heat your home safely by following basic precautions and preventative measures.

Home Fires Involving Heating Equipment

Ten tips to get ahead of the winter freeze

Heating fact sheet

Portable fireplaces fact sheet

Sparkly's® heating safety checklist for kids

Free toolkit  for community heating safety campaign

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