LAFD Augments Fast Response Vehicle Deployment

Los Angeles Fire Department Chief Ralph Terrazas joined Mayor Eric Garcetti, Councilwoman Monica Rodriguez and LAFD Medical Director, Marc Eckstein MD, at the LAFD Frank Hotchkin Memorial Training Center in Elysian Park on February 11, 2020 to announce the expansion of the LAFD’s Fast Response Vehicle (FRV) program.
The LAFD now has four FRV’s in service citywide, which provide a flexible, multi-mission resource to respond to fire and emergency medical service calls.
The firefighter/paramedics assigned to LAFD FRV’s have a unique authorization from the Los Angeles County Department of Health Services to medically clear certain patients experiencing acute behavioral crises or chronic public inebriation for transport to either a Mental Health Urgent Care Center or Sobering Center, rather than to a traditional hospital emergency room.
This brings the total to 10 LAFD field resources now approved to clear patients to alternative destinations, instead of simply transporting them to the hospital emergency room.
In addition, all LAFD FRV personnel are now certified Tactical EMS (TEMS) units and are available to support LAPD SWAT Team efforts. With the addition of FRV 82 in Hollywood, the LAFD now has FRV's assigned within all four of the Department's geographic bureaus.