
Cadets and Mentors Recognized by LAFD Board of Fire Commissioners

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

The Los Angeles City Board of Fire Commissioners gave special recognition to a group of cadets and the firefighters who volunteer their efforts to be mentors of those young people, as Cadet Post Advisors. 

All of us can look at who we have become and realize that we did not get here on our own. Who we are today and what we have achieved is partially individual hard work, but also a compilation of efforts from those who have mentored us and poured into our lives along the way.

LAFD's Cadet Program is run by LAFD members who volunteer to put themselves in the position to mentor young people who want to pursue a career in the fire service and sign up to be an LAFD Cadet. The relationships they develop and the wisdom they impart on these 14 - 20 year olds provides invaluable life lessons, skills, and guidance to be successful.

During the presentation, Cadet Post Advisors were told, "We express our sincere gratitude for your selfless dedication, mentorship, and leadership in shaping our future firefighters. Your commitment to training and guiding our cadets, often  sacrificing weekends and family time, is to be commended."

And Cadets received a similar message, "We extend our deepest appreciation for your unwavering dedication to honing your firefighting & EMS skills, as well as your commitment to leadership & mentorship. Many Cadets have gone on to become Peer Advisors for numerous  Youth FIRE Academies, even contributing over 1000 Ride-Along & volunteer hours.

10 Post Advisors

Captain/Paramedic Joe Magana - Post 106
Engineer/Paramedic, Rocio    - Post 38
Firefighter, Luis Montenegro - Post 81 (15 years)
Inspector II, Martin Gutierrez - Post 94 (12 years)
Inspector I, Gabe Martinez     - Post 85 (15 years)
Firefighter, Edward Chea        - Post 87
Firefighter, Edgar Garcia         - Post 27
Firefighter/ Paramedic, Dan Gutierrez - Post 2 (10 years)
Firefighter, Shaunna Purkey    - Post 21
Firefighter, Michael Sandoval - Post 64

8 Cadets

Cadet, Sebastian Altamirano 1000+ Ride Along and Volunteer hours - Youth Academies
Cadet, Christian De Leon       1000+ Ride Along hours - Youth Academies
Cadet, John De Leon             1000+ Ride Along hours - Youth Academies
Cadet, Fatima Bermudez        500+ Ride Along and Volunteer Hours
Cadet, Jaylen Hagan               500+ Ride Along and Volunteer Hours
Cadet, Ani Ketele/Kyan           500 + Ride Along and Volunteer hours - Youth Academies
Cadet, Odalys Lopez              500+ Ride Along and Volunteer Hours
Cadet, Terrence Watson         500+ Ride Along and Volunteer Hour

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