
Agency Assist 09/09/2018 INC#0227

Agency Assist; INC#0227; 03:43AM; Browns Canyon;; Chatsworth; PRELIM: LAFD assisting LACoFD at confined space rescue at abandoned military facility on Oat Mountain (LA-88 Nike); Initial report of 1 injured person 40 feet below grade and 100 feet lateral from access point; Though a joint response, rescue is in LACoFD jurisdiction; All further incident information will therefore come from the Los Angeles County Fire Department; FS 107; Batt 15; Valley Bureau; Council District 12; Dispatched LAFD Units: BC14 BC15 E104 E107 E28 E289 E296 E8 E88 E90 EM15 H5 H6 HR3 RA107 RA889 RA96 T89 T96 UR88 UR89; Radio Channels: 8; 17, 18; - Brian Humphrey
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Hiker Rescue 09/08/2018 INC#0866

Hiker Rescue; INC#0866; 02:37PM; Santa Monica Mountains;; PRELIM: Adult F hiker in unspecified condition with sudden illness on remote East Topanga Fire Road; LAFD air ambulance helicopter will hoist patient aboard hovering helicopter for direct transport to area hospital; FS 23; Batt 9; West Bureau; Dispatched LAFD Units: BC9 E269 E37 E84 H3 H5 RA84 RH214 T69; Radio Channels: 7; 17; - Brian Humphrey
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Hiker Rescue 09/08/2018 INC#0816

Hiker Rescue; INC#0816; 02:01PM; Santa Monica Mountains;; Pacific Palisades; PRELIM: Adult F hiker in unspecified condition with sudden illness on remote Eagle Springs Fire Road at Topanga Fire Road; LAFD air ambulance helicopter will hoist patient aboard hovering helicopter for direct transport to area hospital; FS 23; Batt 9; West Bureau; Council District 11; Dispatched LAFD Units: BC9 BP109 BP23 E109 E23 E269 E69 H4 H5 RA23 RA90 RH114 T69; Radio Channels: 7; 17; - Brian Humphrey
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Hiker Rescue 09/08/2018 INC#0459

Hiker Rescue; INC#0459; 09:46AM; Santa Monica Mountains;; Brentwood; PRELIM: Adult M hiker in serious condition following (unspecified) injury on remote section of Hollyhock Fire Road near Mandeville Canyon; LAFD air ambulance helicopter has landed and ground crews are providing care while shuttling patient on LAFD vehicle to landing zone where patient will be loaded into helicopter for direct hospital transport; FS 19; Batt 9; West Bureau; Council District 11; Dispatched LAFD Units: BC17 BC9 BP19 E19 E237 E37 H3 H5 RA19 RA90 RH214 T37; Radio Channels: 7; 18; - Brian Humphrey
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Knockdown Structure Fire 09/08/2018 INC#0494

Knockdown Structure Fire; INC#0494; 10:27AM; 761 E 109th St; internal:/; Green Meadows; Address remains tentative; 33 Firefighters took just 11 minutes, confining flames within structure; No injury; Fire cause/loss to be determined; FS 64; Batt 13; South Bureau; Council District 8; LAFD Units Dispatched: BC13 BC18 E233 E264 E33 E64 E65 RA264 RA64 RA865 T33 T64; - Brian Humphrey
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Structure Fire 09/08/2018 INC#0494

Structure Fire; INC#0494; 10:16AM; 761 E 109th St;; Green Meadows; PRELIM: One story home with bulk of fire in front interior room; FS 64; Batt 13; South Bureau; Council District 8; Radio Channels: 9; 13; - Brian Humphrey
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Hiker Rescue 09/08/2018 INC#0438

Hiker Rescue; INC#0438; 09:32AM; 1200 N El Medio Av;; Pacific Palisades; PRELIM: Adult M hiker with non-life threatening knee injury on El Medio Trail near Topanga State Park; LAFD air ambulance helicopter will hoist patient aboard hovering helicopter for direct transport to area hospital; FS 69; Batt 9; West Bureau; Council District 11; Dispatched LAFD Units: BC9 E23 E269 E69 H5 RA69 RA90 RH114 T69; Radio Channels: 7; 17; - Brian Humphrey
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Structure Fire 09/08/2018 INC#0223

Structure Fire; INC#0223; 04:28AM; 3316 N Thorpe Av;; Cypress Park; 29 Firefighters extinguished a one-story home well involved with fire in just 14 minutes; Upon arrival firefighters immediately searched the home to find a 10 year old female who was quickly transported but pronounced dead; An additional adult sustained injuries and was transported to a local hospital (unknown age/ condition); One firefighter sustained injuries and was transported to a local hospital when a vehicle ran over a hose line (unknown age/ gender/ condition); The cause of the fire is under active investigation; No further details at this time; PIO Erik Scott is en-route; FS 44; Batt 2; Central Bureau; Council District 1; AR2 BC2 E1 E12 E201 E250 E44 EM1 EM11 PH1 RA1 RA12 RA3 RA55 RA844 T1 T50; CH9; 12; Amy Bastman
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Update Structure Fire KNOCKDOWN 09/07/2018 INC#1465

Update KNOCKDOWN Structure Fire; INC#1465; 09:10PM; 1610 E 22nd St;; Central-Alameda; 46 FF's in 14 minutes; Firefighters quickly gained access and extinguished an auto fully involved with fire within a 150' x 70' one-story commercial building; No additional fire extension within the building; No reported injuries; Cause/ Loss TBD; FS 14; Batt 1; Central Bureau; Council District 9; BC1 BC11 BC13 CM22 E10 E14 E17 E203 E209 E215 E221 EM1 RA17 RA814 SQ21 T15 T21 T3; CH9; 12; Amy Bastman
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Structure Fire 09/07/2018 INC#1465

Structure Fire; INC#1465; 08:56PM; 1610 E 22nd St;; Central-Alameda; One-story commercial building with smoke showing; FS 14; Batt 1; Central Bureau; Council District 9; BC1 BC11 BC13 CM22 E10 E14 E17 E203 E209 E215 E221 EM1 RA17 RA814 SQ21 T15 T21 T3; CH9; 12; Amy Bastman
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