
Agency Assist 08/01/2024 INC#0875

Agency Assist; INC#0875; 12:57PM; 2300 W Paseo Del Mar;; #SanPedro; PRELIM: LAFD responding by land, air and sea to assist the Los Angeles County Fire Department's Lifeguard Division with the discreet and dignified recovery of a person they determined deceased (unknown age / gender / attire / body condition / circumstances) at the base of a seaside cliff near Royal Palms Park. No further details. Media Inquiries: LAPD Harbor Division (Incident #2750) and Medical Examiner.; FS 101; Batt 6; South Bureau; Council District 15; AO1 AO2 BC6 BT1 BT2 BT5 E101 E248 E285 E48 E85 H4 H6 HA4 HA6 RA101 RH114 T48 T85 UR85; CH4; 12; Brian Humphrey
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Complete - Odor Investigation 08/01/2024 INC#0450

Complete - Odor Investigation; INC#0450; 10:10AM; 855 N Vermont Av;; #EastHollywood; LAFD firefighters, including hazardous materials specialists, have concluded their odor investigation at the two-story Science Tech Lab at Los Angeles City College. No specific hazard was identified. One college staff member (adult male Building Engineer) who was in or near the involved classroom prior to LAFD arrival, received an on-site medical evaluation by LAFD Paramedics for non-specific symptoms, and has declined further treatment or ambulance transportation. No other illness or injury has been reported. The fifteen (15) building occupants who were earlier evacuated, are being allowed to re-enter the building. Media Inquiries: L.A. City College; FS 6; Batt 11; Central Bureau; Council District 13; BC11 E235 E52 RA35 SQ21 T35; CH7; 12; Brian Humphrey
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Odor Investigation 08/01/2024 INC#0450

Odor Investigation; INC#0450; 08:52AM; 855 N Vermont Av;; #EastHollywood; PRELIM: Odor investigation within one classroom at the two-story Science Tech Lab at Los Angeles City College, after water was flushed into a (sink?) drain. There was no visible smoke or vapor on LAFD arrival, and no escalating or off-site hazard has been identified. One college staff member (adult male Building Engineer) with no identified symptoms, who was in or near the involved classroom prior to LAFD arrival, has received an on-site medical evaluation by LAFD Paramedics. He remains at the scene. The involved classroom has been isolated, and all (undetermined number) building occupants were calmly evacuated, as LAFD responders, including hazardous materials specialists assess the situation and confer with college staff. Media Inquiries: L.A. City College.; FS 6; Batt 11; Central Bureau; Council District 13; BC11 E235 E52 RA35 SQ21 T35; CH7; 12; Brian Humphrey
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Update Traffic Collision 07/31/2024 INC#0587

Update Traffic Collision; INC#0587; 10:55AM; 11650 W Riverside Dr;; #ValleyVillage; One ill or injured person (unknown age / gender / condition / affiliation / circumstances) has now been taken to an area hospital by LAFD Paramedics. No details are available. Media Inquiries: LAPD Valley Traffic Division (Incident #1894); FS 60; Batt 14; Valley Bureau; Council District 2; E239 E60 RA86 T39 UR27 UR89; CH8; Brian Humphrey
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Traffic Collision 07/31/2024 INC#0587

Traffic Collision; INC#0587; 10:29AM; 11650 W Riverside Dr;; #ValleyVillage; PRELIM: Solo (unknown type) vehicle into and remaining (an unknown distance) within a commercial building. No initial reports of injury. Los Angeles Department of Building & Safety Inspector en route, ETA noon. Media Inquiries: LAPD Valley Traffic Division (Incident #1894); FS 60; Batt 14; Valley Bureau; Council District 2; E239 E60 RA86 T39 UR27; CH8; Brian Humphrey
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KNOCKDOWN Structure Fire 07/30/2024 INC#1252

Update KNOCKDOWN Structure Fire; INC#1252; 05:26PM; 11661 W Texas Av;; Sawtelle; KNOCKDOWN: 52 firefighters extinguished the fire in 17 minutes with no injuries reported. The fire extended from one unit to a tree next to the building and exposed a 2nd structure. Firefighters quickly knocked down the tree fire and prevented it from extending to the building. Crews are now conducting overhaul operations. No further details. ; FS 59; Batt 9; West Bureau; Council District 11; BC18 BC4 BC9 CM40 CM42 CM52 E19 E237 E263 E292 E37 E59 E71 EM9 RA19 RA37 RA59 T37 T63 T92; CH9; 12; Margaret Stewart
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Structure Fire 07/30/2024 INC#1252

Structure Fire; INC#1252; 05:09PM; 11661 W Texas Av;; Sawtelle; Three story garden-style apartment building (two story residential over parking) with fire in one unit. Firefighters are in the offensive mode.; FS 59; Batt 9; West Bureau; Council District 11; BC18 BC4 BC9 CM40 CM42 E19 E237 E263 E292 E37 E59 E71 EM9 RA19 RA37 RA59 T37 T63 T92; CH9; 12; Margaret Stewart
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FORWARD PROGRESS STOPPED Brush Fire 07/30/2024 INC#1039

Update FORWARD PROGRESS STOPPED Brush Fire; INC#1039; 03:35PM; 12910 W Arroyo St;; Sylmar; Firefighters stopped all forward progress and will remain on scene to mop up any remaining hot spots. No structures were damaged and no injuries reported.; FS 98; Batt 12; Valley Bureau; Council District 7; AO1 AO2 BC10 BC12 CW3A E24 E275 E290 E298 E7 E75 E77 E98 EM12 FR91 H1 H3 H4 H5 HA1 HA3 HA4 HA5 RA98 T90 T98 WT77; CH8; 18; Margaret Stewart
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Brush Fire 07/30/2024 INC#1039

Brush Fire; INC#1039; 02:48PM; Wb 210 Fy;; Sylmar; Initially received as a grass fire, the call was upgraded to a brush fire response with the first arriving fire company reported approximately 1/2 acre of brush burning at moderate speed under light wind conditions. There are no structures threatened. All LACoFD resources are being released.; FS 98; Batt 12; Valley Bureau; Council District 7; BC10 BC12 E24 E275 E298 E7 E75 E77 E98 EM12 FR91 H0B H0D RA98 T98; CH5; 18; Margaret Stewart
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KNOCKDOWN Brush Fire 07/30/2024 INC#0938

Update KNOCKDOWN Brush Fire; INC#0938; 02:37PM; Sb 405 Fy;; Bel-Air; KNOCKDOWN: Over 60 firefighters conducted a coordinated ground and aerial attack and extinguished the fire in 42 minutes with no injuries reported. The fire was contained to the side of the freeway with no structures damaged. Crews will continue to mop up any remaining hot spots and the duration of impact on the 405 Freeway are unknown at this time. Drivers are advised to check Incident # 1361 for updates. No further details.; FS 88; Batt 10; Valley Bureau; Council District 5; AO1 AO2 BC10 BC9 CE83 CW3A CW3B DZ45 E109 E278 E290 E59 E69 E71 E83 E88 E99 EM15 H3 H5 H6 HA3 HA5 HA6 HE3 HE4 HE5 RA83 RA99 T78 T90 WT88; CH5; 17; Margaret Stewart
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