Odor Investigation 08/01/2024 INC#0450

Odor Investigation; INC#0450; 08:52AM; 855 N Vermont Av; https://bit.ly/3WsGrT9; #EastHollywood; PRELIM: Odor investigation within one classroom at the two-story Science Tech Lab at Los Angeles City College, after water was flushed into a (sink?) drain. There was no visible smoke or vapor on LAFD arrival, and no escalating or off-site hazard has been identified. One college staff member (adult male Building Engineer) with no identified symptoms, who was in or near the involved classroom prior to LAFD arrival, has received an on-site medical evaluation by LAFD Paramedics. He remains at the scene. The involved classroom has been isolated, and all (undetermined number) building occupants were calmly evacuated, as LAFD responders, including hazardous materials specialists assess the situation and confer with college staff. Media Inquiries: L.A. City College.; FS 6; Batt 11; Central Bureau; Council District 13; BC11 E235 E52 RA35 SQ21 T35; CH7; 12; Brian Humphrey
