
Brush Fire 12/23/2024 INC#0389

Brush Fire; INC#0389; 07:38AM; Grand View Dr;; Elysian Park; LAFD resources arrived quickly to find 1/4 acre of heavy vegetation ablaze near the Elysian Reservoir ravine. Firefighters are aggressively extending hose lines to flank the the slow moving fire. There is no wind, no structures threatened or injuries reported at this time. Park Rangers and LAFD are coordinating to contain the blaze known as "Grandview IC". ; FS 1; Batt 2; Central Bureau; Council District 1; AO1 AO2 BC1 BC2 E1 E20 E201 E203 E220 E290 E3 E4 E44 E90 EM11 H2 H4 H6 HA2 HA4 HA6 RA1 T1 T20 T3 T90; CH5; 12; Jennifer Middleton
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KNOCKDOWN Structure Fire 12/22/2024 INC#0750

KNOCKDOWN Structure Fire; INC#0750; 11:27AM; 5282 N Townsend Av;; Eagle Rock; 45 firefighters worked aggressively to extinguish the fire in 31 minutes. Firefighters were met with excessive storage in the dwelling which hampered entry to the dwelling as well as reaching the room of origin. Preliminary reports stated a possible trapped person inside the structure. Unfortunately, firefighters did find an occupant who had perished and was unable to be revived. No injuries to any additional civilians or LAFD members. Cause under investigation. LAFD Arson and LAPD responding. No further details.; FS 42; Batt 2; Central Bureau; Council District 14; AR1 BC1 BC2 CM20 CM22 E1 E201 E212 E250 E42 E44 E47 E55 RA12 RA47 RA801 T1 T12 T50; CH9; 12; Jennifer Middleton
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Structure Fire 12/22/2024 INC#0750

Structure Fire; INC#0750; 11:27AM; 5282 N Townsend Av;; Eagle Rock; One story single family dwelling with smoke showing from one room. ; FS 42; Batt 2; Central Bureau; Council District 14; BC1 BC2 E1 E201 E212 E250 E42 E44 E47 E55 RA12 RA801 T1 T12 T50; CH9; 12; Jennifer Middleton
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KNOCKDOWN Structure Fire 12/22/2024 INC#0535

Update KNOCKDOWN Structure Fire; INC#0535; 09:00AM; 1724 W Pacific Coast Hw;; Harbor City; It took just 21 minutes for 31 LAFD firefighters to extinguish a fire confined to the fryer area of a one story commercial doing business as Jack in the Box. No reported injuries. Cause/Loss TBD.; FS 85; Batt 6; South Bureau; Council District 15; BC13 BC6 E238 E285 E36 E48 E85 RA38 RA85 T38 T85; CH9; 12; Jennifer Middleton
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Structure Fire - NOW OUT 12/21/2024 INC#1866

Structure Fire - NOW OUT; INC#1866; 11:03PM; 209 N Mathews St;; Boyle Heights; FIRE NOW OUT, 12 Firefighters quickly extinguished a fire located inside of shed behind a vacant one story single family dwelling. No injuries reported. Cause under investigation. No further details. ; FS 2; Batt 1; Central Bureau; Council District 14; BC1 BC11 E2 E202 E25 E4 RA17 RA25 SQ21 T2 T9; CH9; 13; Cody Weireter
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Brush Fire 12/21/2024 INC#1743

Brush Fire; INC#1743; 09:55PM; 2700 N Vermont Av;; Griffith Park; LAFD ground resources onscene of a small fire approximate 20'x50' patch of vegetation located west of the Greek Theatre. Fire held in check by hose lines LA City Park Rangers deployed prior to LAFD arrival. Two LAFD engine companies will remain onscene to extinguish any hot spots that remain. No injuries reported. No further details; FS 35; Batt 5; West Bureau; Council District 4; AO1 AO2 BC11 BC5 E220 E235 E250 E35 E56 E6 E82 E90 EM5 H0E H0F RA35 T20 T35 T50; CH5; 12; Cody Weireter
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FORWARD PROGRESS STOPPED Brush Fire - Forward Progress Stopped 12/21/2024 INC#1560

FORWARD PROGRESS STOPPED Brush Fire - Forward Progress Stopped; INC#1560; 07:44PM; 7354 W Verdugo Crestline Dr;; Tujunga; All forward progress stopped. Quick action by firefighters, contained the "Terra Fire" to a 30'x50' patch of vegetation. With the assistance of LAcoFD Camp Crews, LAFD resources will remain onscene to extinguish any hot spots that remain. No injuries reported. No further details.; FS 74; Batt 12; Valley Bureau; Council District 7; BC12 BC14 BC2 BP74 CM40 CM42 E24 E274 E290 E298 E60 E7 E77 E89 E90 E98 EM5 H2 H4 H6 HA2 HA4 HA6 RA74 RA874 T74 T90 T98 WT77; CH5; 17; Cody Weireter
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Brush Fire 12/21/2024 INC#1560

Brush Fire; INC#1560; 07:44PM; 7354 W Verdugo Crestline Dr;; Tujunga; PRELIM: LAFD ground and air response to a vehicle fire that has extended into nearby vegetation. Initial estimation of approximate 30' x 50' patch vegetation burning with slow rate of spread. There are no injuries reported. No wind, no structures threatened and no need for evacuation. This incident is known as the "Terra Fire".; FS 74; Batt 12; Valley Bureau; Council District 7; BC12 BC14 BC2 CM42 E24 E274 E290 E298 E7 E77 E89 E90 E98 EM5 H0C H0D RA74 RA874 T74 T90 T98; CH5; 17; Cody Weireter
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KNOCKDOWN Structure Fire 12/21/2024 INC#0829

KNOCKDOWN Structure Fire; INC#0829; 11:48AM; 5613 W Lexington Av;; Hollywood; KNOCKDOWN 43 firefighters extinguished the fire in 32 minutes. The bulk of the fire was contained to the elevator machine room with minor extension into the attic space. No injures reported. Crews will remain on scene working to hit any remaining hot spots in the void spaces. No further details.; FS 82; Batt 5; West Bureau; Council District 13; BC11 BC5 BC712 CM20 CM22 E227 E229 E235 E27 E41 E52 E82 EM5 RA27 RA82 RA827 T27 T29 T35; CH7; 12 15; Cody Weireter
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Structure Fire 12/21/2024 INC#0829

Structure Fire; INC#0829; 11:48AM; 5613 W Lexington Av;; Hollywood; 3 Story center hall style apartment building with fire located inside an elevator machine room on the roof of the building. Firefighters are in the offensive mode.; FS 82; Batt 5; West Bureau; Council District 13; BC11 BC5 BC712 CM20 CM22 E227 E229 E235 E27 E41 E52 E82 EM5 RA27 RA82 RA827 T27 T29 T35; CH9; 12 15; Cody Weireter
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