Brush Fire 12/21/2024 INC#1560

Brush Fire; INC#1560; 07:44PM; 7354 W Verdugo Crestline Dr;; Tujunga; PRELIM: LAFD ground and air response to a vehicle fire that has extended into nearby vegetation. Initial estimation of approximate 30' x 50' patch vegetation burning with slow rate of spread. There are no injuries reported. No wind, no structures threatened and no need for evacuation. This incident is known as the "Terra Fire".; FS 74; Batt 12; Valley Bureau; Council District 7; BC12 BC14 BC2 CM42 E24 E274 E290 E298 E7 E77 E89 E90 E98 EM5 H0C H0D RA74 RA874 T74 T90 T98; CH5; 17; Cody Weireter
