Brush Fire 12/23/2024 INC#0389

Brush Fire; INC#0389; 07:38AM; Grand View Dr;; Elysian Park; LAFD resources arrived quickly to find 1/4 acre of heavy vegetation ablaze near the Elysian Reservoir ravine. Firefighters are aggressively extending hose lines to flank the the slow moving fire. There is no wind, no structures threatened or injuries reported at this time. Park Rangers and LAFD are coordinating to contain the blaze known as "Grandview IC". ; FS 1; Batt 2; Central Bureau; Council District 1; AO1 AO2 BC1 BC2 E1 E20 E201 E203 E220 E290 E3 E4 E44 E90 EM11 H2 H4 H6 HA2 HA4 HA6 RA1 T1 T20 T3 T90; CH5; 12; Jennifer Middleton
