
Structure Fire 12/21/2018 INC#1293

Structure Fire; INC#1293; 08:11PM; 8430 Cedros Av;; Panorama City; PRELIM: 4 story (center hallway) apartments over parking with smoke from one unit on north side top floor; FS 81; Batt 10; Valley Bureau; Council District 6; Radio Channels: 9; 18; - Brian Humphrey
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Update Media Briefing - Flooding 12/21/2018 INC#0294

Update Media Briefing - Flooding; INC#0294; 12:30PM; Intersection 55th St / San Pedro St; internal:/; South Park; As LAFD operations conclude at the scene of a flooding in the 300 block of E 55th St; LAFD will be standing by in support of LADWP and SoCalGas spokespersons at the *intersection of 55th St/San Pedro St* as they address the media at *12:30 PM today*; - Brian Humphrey
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Flooding 12/21/2018 INC#0294

Flooding; INC#0294; 07:20AM; 324 E 55th St;; South Park; LAFD crews initially advised of street flooding at 4:55 AM, with no injury or structure threat, turned scene control to LADWP; LAFD summoned again at 7:20AM to assist with movement of more than a dozen nearby residents, when rising water from apparent subterranean pipeline rupture began threatening several homes; There have been no injuries, and pending structure/utility assessment will determine if formal evacuation of any residence will be required; LAFD PIO Captain Cody Weireter is enroute with ETA 9AM; FS 21; Batt 13; South Bureau; Council District 9; LAFD Units Dispatched: BC13 E233 E33 RA33 RA833 T33; Radio Channels: 7; 14, 17; - Brian Humphrey
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Agency Assist 12/21/2018 INC#0297

Agency Assist; INC#0297; 07:23AM; Near Berth 75 - Port of Los Angeles;; San Pedro; PRELIM: LAFD land crews and fireboats assisting Port Police, LAPD and Coroner with recovery of human remains found floating in harbor; No information on age/gender/body condition/clothing or affiliation; Media Inquiries: LAPD Harbor Incident #957, LA Port PD and Coroner; FS 112; Batt 6; South Bureau; Council District 15; Dispatched LAFD Units: BC6 BT2 BT5 E112 E248 E48 EM13 RA112 T48; Radio Channels: 7; 12; - Brian Humphrey
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Update Structure Fire KNOCKDOWN 12/20/2018 INC#1233

Update KNOCKDOWN Structure Fire; INC#1233; 06:36PM; 10018 S Avalon Bl;; Green Meadows; 31 Firefighters extinguished the flames inside a two-story duplex under construction in just 12 minutes; No reported injuries; Cause/ Loss TBD; FS 64; Batt 13; South Bureau; Council District 8; BC13 E233 E264 E33 E64 E65 EM13 RA64 RA864 T33 T64; CH9; 12; Amy Bastman
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Structure Fire 12/20/2018 INC#1233

Structure Fire; INC#1233; 06:36PM; 10018 S Avalon Bl;; Green Meadows; Two-story duplex under construction with fire showing; FS 64; Batt 13; South Bureau; Council District 8; BC13 E233 E264 E33 E64 E65 EM13 RA64 RA864 T33 T64; CH9; 12; Amy Bastman
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Knockdown Structure Fire 12/19/2018 INC#1361

Knockdown Structure Fire; INC#1361; 08:10PM; 3902 S La Salle Av; internal:/; Exposition Park; 31 firefighters took just 17 minutes, confining flames to south exterior and attic of 3,912 square foot residential fourplex (built 1913); No injury; Cause/Loss/Resident Displacement to be determined; FS 46; Batt 13; South Bureau; Council District 8; Dispatched LAFD Units: BC11 E226 E26 E266 E34 RA34 RA834 T26 T66; - Brian Humphrey
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Structure Fire 12/19/2018 INC#1361

Structure Fire; INC#1361; 07:53PM; 3902 S La Salle Av;; Exposition Park; PRELIM: 2 story residential fourplex with heavy attic involvement; FS 46; Batt 13; South Bureau; Council District 8; Radio Channels:9; 12; - Brian Humphrey
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Update Structure Fire KNOCKDOWN 12/18/2018 INC#1530

Update KNOCKDOWN Structure Fire; INC#1530; 09:34PM; 10000 S Avalon Bl;; Green Meadows; 31 Firefighters extinguished the flames inside one room of a two-story (updated size) home under construction while protecting exposures in just 12 minutes; No reported injuries; Cause/ Loss TBD; FS 64; Batt 13; South Bureau; Council District 8; BC13 BC4 E233 E264 E33 E64 E65 RA264 RA864 T33 T64; CH9; 13; Amy Bastman
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Structure Fire 12/18/2018 INC#1530

Structure Fire; INC#1530; 09:34PM; 452 E Century Bl;; Green Meadows; One-story home under construction with fire showing; FS 64; Batt 13; South Bureau; Council District 8; BC13 BC4 E233 E264 E33 E64 E65 RA264 RA864 T33 T64; CH9; 13; Amy Bastman
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