
Structure Fire 01/09/2019 INC#1447

Structure Fire; INC#1447; 07:09PM; 5110 N Etiwanda Av;; Tarzana; One-story home with light smoke from the attic; FS 93; Batt 17; Valley Bureau; Council District 3; BC17 E273 E293 E83 E93 RA883 RA93 T73 T93; CH9; 17; Amy Bastman
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Traffic Collision 01/08/2019 INC#1121

Traffic Collision; INC#1121; 04:32PM; 16064 W Pacific Coast Hw;; Pacific Palisades; Solo vehicle overturned striking bicyclist; Two patients: Bicyclist = critical / Motorist (found after s/he walked a distance?) = no obvious injury; Unk ages/genders/affiliation/circumstances; Unk impact on traffic; No further details; Media Inquiries: LAPD West Traffic Incident #4033; FS 23; Batt 9; West Bureau; Council District 11; Dispatched LAFD Units: E23 E269 RA23 RA63 T69; Radio Channels: 4; 17; - Brian Humphrey
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Knockdown Structure Fire 01/08/2019 INC#0703

Knockdown Structure Fire; INC#0703; 12:51PM; 6818 N Lankershim Bl; internal:/; North Hollywood; 42 Firefighters took 35 minutes, confining fire to "Houston's Motor Sports" (aka HMS Performance) a one-story 50' x 25' automotive service (not body shop) facility, including approximately 9 now destroyed vehicles contained within; Challenge to firefighters included off-gassing of (automotive performance related) Nitrous Oxide cylinders contained within the building, as well as structural compromise caused by the fire; Two adult male workers from the premises were evaluated by LAFD Paramedics: One had minor facial burn, the other no visible injury; Both declined ambulance transport; Fire cause and monetary loss to be determined; FS 89; Batt 14; Valley Bureau; Council District 2; Dispatched LAFD Units: E89 T89 E289 RA89 RA889 E60 T60 BC14 E260 E239 T39 RA77 E102 RA102 EM12 EM14; - Brian Humphrey
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Structure Fire 01/08/2019 INC#0703

Structure Fire; INC#0703; 12:16PM; 6818 N Lankershim Bl;; North Hollywood; PRELIM: Multiple vehicles ablaze in auto body shop; FS 89; Batt 14; Valley Bureau; Council District 2; Radio Channels: 9; 18; - Brian Humphrey
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Knockdown Structure Fire 01/08/2019 INC#0513

Knockdown Structure Fire; INC#0513; 10:41AM; 1800 N Morton Av; internal:/; Echo Park; 38 firefighters took 15 minutes to fully extinguish flames within a 1,330 square-foot 2-story 2-bedroom home (upstairs residence over parking - built 1963), that contained excessive personal storage; One (adult female?) occupant with unspecified illness or injury is declining offered ambulance transport; While several pets were reportedly rescued from the smoke-charged structure by firefighters, the life status of one or more animals remains in question; No other human injury; Fire cause/monetary loss to be determined; FS 20; Batt 11; Central Bureau; Council District 13; Dispatched LAFD Units: BC1 BC11 E20 E203 E3 E6 EM1 RA13 RA20 RA6 RA803 T20 T3; - Brian Humphrey
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Structure Fire 01/08/2019 INC#0513

Structure Fire; INC#0513; 10:26AM; 1800 N Morton Av;; Echo Park; PRELIM: 2 story residential building (one occupied floor over parking) with apparent kitchen fire; One civilian (unk age/gender/condition/affiliation/circumstances) being evaluated by paramedics; FS 20; Batt 11; Central Bureau; Council District 13; Radio Channels: 9; 12; - Brian Humphrey
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Structure Fire 01/07/2019 INC#1688

Structure Fire; INC#1688; 11:32PM; 6826 N Gross Av;; West Hills; One-story home with fire showing upon arrival extinguished by 38 firefighters in just 17 minutes; Two patients medically assisted for burn injuries; One patient with burns in critical condition transported to a local hospital and the second patient with unknown severity of burns being medically evaluated; Unknown age/ gender/ circumstances of patients; Cause of the fire is under active investigation; No further details; FS 105; Batt 17; Valley Bureau; Council District 12; BC17 E104 E105 E106 E273 E296 E305 EM17 RA104 RA105 RA106 T105 T73 T96; CH9; 17; Amy Bastman
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Update Structure Fire KNOCKDOWN 01/07/2019 INC#1353

Update KNOCKDOWN Structure Fire; INC#1353; 07:07PM; 9336 S Glasgow Pl;; Westchester; 31 Firefighters extinguished the flames inside two units on the second floor of a a two-story abandoned apartment building; When firefighters arrived they found heavy fire to the rear of the building which was fully extinguished in 41 minutes without injury; Cause/ Loss TBD; FS 95; Batt 4; West Bureau; Council District 11; BC4 E205 E295 E5 E67 E95 RA894 RA95 T5 T95; CH9; 12; Amy Bastman
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Structure Fire 01/07/2019 INC#1353

Structure Fire; INC#1353; 07:07PM; 5200 W 95th Pl;; Westchester; Two-story abandoned apartment with fire showing ; FS 95; Batt 4; West Bureau; Council District 11; BC4 E205 E295 E5 E67 E95 RA894 RA95 T5 T95; CH9; 12; Amy Bastman
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Jumper 01/07/2019 INC#0640

Jumper; INC#0640; 11:08AM; 529 S Ceres Av;; Downtown; LAFD on scene assisting LAPD with 1 patient now in custody being evaluated by LAFD/LAPD.; FS 9; Batt 1; Central Bureau; Council District 14; BC1 E10 E11 E17 E203 E210 E3 E4 EM1 RA11 RA810 T10 T3; CH7; 12; Steven Venegas
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