
Electrical Incident 05/13/2016

Electrical Incident; 02:49PM; 6044 N Ventura Canyon Av;; Van Nuys; Reported possible electrocution of adult male worker on high tension lines. Crews on scene report patient is not conscious and not a LA City worker. Currently assessing patient for condition and safest method of bringing him to safety.; FS 102; Batt 14; Valley Bureau; Council District 4; BC14 E102 E239 E89 EM14 RA102 T39 UR88 ; CH8; 17; Margaret Stewart
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Update Hazmat 05/12/2016

Update Hazmat; 05:10PM; Terminal Island Berth; internal:/; A 40’ container with pallets/drums of a corrosive material has a slow leak. Firefighters set up perimeters to isolate and deny entry to the area. A LAFD Haz-Mat team made entry into the area and took samples of the product and are working to stop the leak, wrap the container and move it to a safe location where a private cleanup company will assist. This is now a static situation and some LAFD Companies are beginning to be released; FS 40; Batt 6; South Bureau; Council District 15; Erik Scott
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Hazmat 05/12/2016

Hazmat; 03:20PM; Berth 406;; Terminal Island near Navy Way; Slow leak from an unknown container. Perimeters set up. Firefighters gaining information. No injury. No evac, NFD; FS 40; Batt 6; South Bureau; Council District 15; BC6 BT1 BT2 E248 E38 E40 E48 EM13 RA112 RA36 SQ21 SQ48 T48; 7; 13; Erik Scott
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Traffic Collision 05/11/2016

Traffic Collision; 10:23AM; 800 N Henry Ford Av;; Wilmington; PRELIM: 2 car collision, 4 patients total, 1 trapped; LAPD Incidents 1707 + 1713; NFD (No Further Details); FS 38; Batt 6; South Bureau; Council District 15; E38 E49 E248 RA38 E264 T48 HR56 T64 RA264 BC6 ; CH: 7; 13; Brian Humphrey
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Update Structure Fire 05/10/2016

Update Structure Fire; 05:56PM; 8915 Kester Ave; internal:/; KNOCKDOWN: 30 FF in 15 min. Cause & $loss under invest, NFD; FS 7; Batt 12; Valley Bureau; Council District 6; Erik Scott
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Structure Fire 05/10/2016

Structure Fire; 05:43PM; 8915 Kester Ave;; #PanoramaCity; 1-story home with heavy smoke. 1 patient being evaluated; FS 7; Batt 12; Valley Bureau; Council District 6; E7 RA7 E81 RA81 E290 T90 E275 T75 BC12 E90; 9; 17; Erik Scott
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Water Rescue 05/08/2016

Water Rescue; 09:11PM; 3000 S Ocean Front Wk;; Venice; Closed Incident: LACounty Lifeguards rescued 49M out of the water, patient was in full arrest after being in the water for an unknown period of time. LAFD responded at 5:35PM and provided immediate medical care and transported the patient in grave condition. Sadly, he was pronounced dead at the hospital. The Mayor's Crisis Response Team (CRT) responded and is providing assistance to the family. NFD (No Further Details).; FS 63; Batt 4; West Bureau; Council District 11; E63 RA63; Margaret Stewart
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Update Redline 05/08/2016

Update Redline; 03:37PM; 6250 W Hollywood Bl; internal:/; Hollywood; Patient extrication completed and he is being transported in serious condition. Trains in/out of station will be operational soon (controlled by ROC).; FS 27; Batt 5; West Bureau; Council District 4; Margaret Stewart
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Update Water Rescue 05/08/2016

Update Water Rescue; 03:34PM; 4680 W Colorado Bl; internal:/; False alarm - reporting party mistook material floating in the river as a person. Resources going available.; FS 50; Batt 2; Central Bureau; Council District 13; Margaret Stewart
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Update Redline 05/08/2016

Update Redline; 03:26PM; 4680 W Colorado Bl; internal:/; Hollywood; Adult male patient is conscious, in serious condition. Firefighters putting equipment in place to safely extricate patient from the tracks for transport to the hospital ; FS 27; Batt 5; West Bureau; Council District 4; Margaret Stewart
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