
KNOCKDOWN Structure Fire 07/30/2016

KNOCKDOWN Structure Fire; 08:42PM; 9145 La Tuna Cyn Rd; internal:/; #LaTunaCanyon; Initially reported as brush fire, 63 LAFD FF's took 28 min; Confined to large 1 story 'Hacienda style' home with well involved attic fire extended into home; No brush involvement; Now 4 injuries total: Two adult occupants (1 M 1 F) rescued by LAFD and taken to hospital in grave condition; One adult F (relative?) in Fair condition with smoke exposure and small burn on hand will also go to hospital; One Firefighter has unspecified injury and is now being evaluated at scene; Loss/Cause TBD; Dispatched Units: E89 T89 E289 E298 T98 E475 RA98 E274 T74 T60 E260 E489 E90 H0B H0D EM17 BC12 BC14 T90 E290 H1 H2 RA90 H5 E24 CM42 BC10 E77 EM15 BP74 RA77 RA74 EM17 RA89 AR2 PH1 RA86 EM17 EM11; Brian Humphrey
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Update Structure Fire 07/30/2016

Update Structure Fire; 08:24PM; 9145 La Tuna Cyn Rd; internal:/; #LaTunaCanyon; 63 FF's battling a well involved attic with extension into the home; 2 adult occupants (1 M 1 F) rescued by LAFD in grave condition; Firefight continues; Listen:; Brian Humphrey
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Structure Fire 07/30/2016

Structure Fire; 08:04PM; 9145 La Tuna Cyn Rd;; #LaTunaCanyon; PRELIM: Large home well involved with fire; No brush involvement; NFD; FS 77; Batt 12; Valley Bureau; Council District 7; CH: 5; 12; Brian Humphrey
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#PedestrianStruck 07/29/2016

#PedestrianStruck ; 10:12PM; 1149 E 1st St;; #BoyleHeights; Adult F pedestrian (apparent photographer too close to tracks) with non-life threat injury after being struck by (unk direction) Metro Gold Line light rail train; No injury aboard train; Relevant safety tips ; Media inquiries: Metro, LA Sheriff Transit Services; NFD; FS 4; Batt 1; Central Bureau; Council District 14; Dispatched Units: E4 RA4 E2 T2 E202 HR56 EM1 BC1 E3; CH: 7; 12; Brian Humphrey
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KNOCKDOWN Structure Fire 07/29/2016

KNOCKDOWN Structure Fire; 07:11PM; 3959 S Brighton Av; internal:/; #ExpositionPark; 52 FF's took 23 min; Confined to 1 story church building; No injury; Loss/Cause TBD; NFD; Brian Humphrey
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Structure Fire 07/29/2016

Structure Fire; 06:48PM; 3959 S Brighton Av;; #ExpositionPark; Fire (in attic?) of 1 story church; NFD; FS 46; Batt 13; South Bureau; Council District 9; CH: 9; 13; Brian Humphrey
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Update Hiker in Distress 07/29/2016

Update Hiker in Distress; 02:34PM; Santa Monica Mountains; internal:/; Pacific Palisades; #TopangaStatePark; LAFD copter will hoist Adult F and her (male?) companion hiker to safety; Both deny injury and desire no medical care; NFD; Brian Humphrey
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Vegetation Fire 07/29/2016

Vegetation Fire; 02:22PM; NB 5 Fwy x Colorado Bl;; #AtwaterVillage; PRELIM: One-quarter acre burning along R freeway shoulder; No structure threat; First arriving units will handle; NFD; Media inquiries on freeway traffic = CHP Log #2521; FS 56; Batt 5; West Bureau; Council District 4; CH: 7; 12; Brian Humphrey
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Hiker in Distress 07/29/2016

Hiker in Distress; 01:56PM; Santa Monica Mountains;; Pacific Palisades; #TopangaStatePark; LAFD copter hoist anticipated for Adult F hiker wearing black top & long black pants on remote Backbone Trail; Out of water, dehydrated, unable to complete journey in hot weather; Temp 100.6°F | Wind 4.7 MPH from NNE | Humidity 30% | Sky Clear | Visibility 10 MI | Strong Summer Sun | Peak UV9.8; FS 69; Batt 9; West Bureau; Council District 11; CH: 7; 17; Brian Humphrey
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FINAL Fire 07/29/2016

FINAL Fire; 01:20PM; 8729 Bradley Av; internal:/; Sun Valley; One adult M worker taken to hosp in Fair condition with 2nd degree burns to both arms; Fire damage to "Mini World Inc", an automotive parts, service and repair facility ( ) is still being tabulated; The cause of the fire is considered accidental and remains under investigation; Brian Humphrey
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