Water Rescue 01/08/2017

Water Rescue; 12:34PM; 2455 N Shoredale Av x LA River ; https://goo.gl/maps/yrFS7tPJHEL2; #ElysianValley Adult male patient located in the LA River, on his feet in vegetation. LAFD trying to make verbal contact and arranging to use inflatable boat to bring him to safety. The patient does not appear to have any injuries and is not in physical distress. Air assets are on scene but not currently anticipated to be used for the rescue. LAFD Inc#0667; FS 1; Batt 2; Central Bureau; Council District 1; AO2 BC1 BC11 CM22 E17 E201 E202 E209 E25 E3 E4 E9 E90 EM11 HR56 RA1 RA17 RA801 T1 T2 T9 UR88 ; Margaret Stewart
