
*KNOCKDOWN* Structure Fire 02/09/2016

*KNOCKDOWN* Structure Fire; 08:17PM; 661 N Harbor Bl; internal:/; 34 FF's took 13 min; Confined to 1 unit; No injury; Loss/Cause TBD; Dispatched: E112 RA112 E36 RA36 E248 E48 T48 E285 T85 EM13 BC6 BC13 ; Brian Humphrey
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Structure Fire 02/09/2016

Structure Fire; 08:04PM; 661 N Harbor Bl;; San Pedro; 2 story garden style motel with fire in one 2nd floor unit; FS 112; Batt 6; South Bureau; Council District 15; CH: 9; 12; Brian Humphrey
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Update Structure Fire 02/09/2016

Update Structure Fire; 05:44PM; 6013 Morella Av; internal:/; 1 civilian now being assessed for possible burn injury; NFD; Brian Humphrey
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*KNOCKDOWN* Structure Fire 02/09/2016

*KNOCKDOWN* Structure Fire; 05:39PM; 6013 Morella Av; internal:/; 34 FF's took 13 min; Confined to (residential?) structure to rear of property; No injury; Cause/Loss TBD; Dispatched: E260 E60 T60 RA860 E89 E102 E278 T78 RA97 EM14 BC14 RA88 ; Brian Humphrey
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Structure Fire 02/09/2016

Structure Fire; 05:28PM; 6013 Morella Av;; North Hollywood; 1 story home with heavy fire showing; NFD; FS 60; Batt 14; Valley Bureau; Council District 2; CH: 9; 17; Brian Humphrey
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*KNOCKDOWN* Structure Fire 02/09/2016

*KNOCKDOWN* Structure Fire; 02:07PM; 10970 S Hoover St; internal:/; 87 FF's took 43 min; No injury; Cause/Loss/Correct Address Pending; Dispatched Units: E264 E64 T64 E57 RA857 RA57 E266 T66 EM13 BC13 E66 T15 E215 CM31 E79 E295 T95 EM6 BC1 BC11 E5 UR5 T3 E203 HR56 UR88 BC4 SQ21 T5 E205 EM35 RA65; Brian Humphrey
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Update Structure Fire 02/09/2016

Update Structure Fire; 01:48PM; 10970 S Hoover St; internal:/; 80 LAFD FF's assigned in defensive operations | Temp 89°F | Wind Calm | Humidity 7% | Sky Clear | Visibility 10 MI; Brian Humphrey
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Structure Fire 02/09/2016

Structure Fire; 01:24PM; 10970 S Hoover St;; South Los Angeles; Address Tentative; PRELIM: 2 story home well involved; NFD; FS 64; Batt 13; South Bureau; Council District 8; CH: 9; 12; Brian Humphrey
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Update Structure Fire Injuries: 02/09/2016

Update Injuries: Structure Fire; 09:52AM; internal:/; Now 2 male FF's only with (unspecified but) non-life threat injury; 1 = fell less than 12 feet from roof of building during firefight; 2 = fell unk distance from mezzanine within building while performing overhaul/salvage following extinguishment; Business confirmed as metal fabricating firm "Smith and Company" ; Fire Cause & Loss TBD; Brian Humphrey
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Update Structure Fire *KNOCKDOWN* 02/09/2016

Update *KNOCKDOWN* Structure Fire; 08:23AM; 1361 Newton St; internal:/; 128 LAFD personnel took 43 min; Confined to (heavily damaged) structure of origin; 1 FF to hosp with non-life threat injury from fall; No other injury; Loss/Cause/Business Name TBD; Dispatched Units: E14 RA14 E9 T9 RA809 E221 T21 EM1 BC1 SQ21 E10 T10 E210 E17 E21 E4 E203 T3 CM22 EM13 BC11 BC13 E3 UR3 RA803 HR56 T27 E227 UR88 BC5 BC18 RA3 EM25 CM21 BC741 T61 E261 AR1 E15 T33 E233 E26 RM1 EA1 RA9 RA26 AR14 ; Brian Humphrey
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