Update Traffic Collision with Entrapment 01/13/2019 INC#0472

Update Traffic Collision with Entrapment; INC#0472; 10:32AM; NB 5 Fwy south of 405 Fwy; http://bit.ly/2OyOMjP; Sylmar; LAFD responders took less than 10 minuted to free the one and only patient: Adult male driver (unspecified type truck or cargo) in undetermined condition with what are described as non-life threatening leg injuries will be transported by LAFD ambulance; No further details; Media Inquiries and Roadway Status: CHP Newhall Area Log #972 and Caltrans; FS 75; Batt 12; Valley Bureau; Council District 7; Dispatched LAFD Units: BC12 E18 E275 E298 E91 E98 EM15 HR3 RA18 RA75 RA87 RA898 T75 T98 UR88; - Brian Humphrey
