Update Traffic Collision 03/02/2020 INC#1392

Update Traffic Collision; INC#1392; 07:00PM; 4940 S Sepulveda Bl; http://bit.ly/2VFoWBy; Del Rey; Vehicle driven in parking lot by worker at rental car facility ran through the rear wall of and into an adjacent 1 story motel room. Female driver and male room occupant both sustained minor injuries, and have been taken to area hospitals by LAFD Paramedics. L.A Department of Building & Safety on scene to assess integrity of 1946-era structure. Media: LAPD West Traffic Incident #4357; FS 62; Batt 4; West Bureau; Council District 11; Dispatched LAFD Units: E62 RA5 RA867 RA892; - Brian Humphrey
