Update Structure Fire KNOCKDOWN 04/27/2017

Update KNOCKDOWN Structure Fire; 02:11AM; 681 S BONNIE BRAE ST; internal:/; Westlake / MacArthur Park; #MajorEmergency Structure Fire; 161 FF's in 1 hour 26 minutes; 4 story apartment building and 2 story apartment building previously with heavy fire; multiple exposures; Evacuation of convalescent home has ended with no injuries reported; LAFD Arson on-scene; Cause/Loss TBD; Final Injuries TBD; PIOs and LAFD Fire Chief on-scene; No further details; FS 11; Batt 11; Central Bureau; Council District 1; E11 T11 E211 RA11 E13 RA13 E220 T20 E209 SQ21 BC11 BC1 E3 T3 E203 CM22 E9 T9 E10 T10 E210 EM11 BC18 UR3 HR3 RA3 RA803 UR88 BC5 E4 AR1 RM2 PH1 E29 T35 E235 RA20 RA820 E215 T15 RA809 RA9 RA900 RA209 E6 E233 T33 E221 T21 RA10 RA810 E15 E226 T26 EM1 EM13 EA1 T89 E289 E26 RT83 ; 9; 12,13,16,17,18; Amy Bastman
