Update Structure Fire 12/29/2018 INC#0187

Update Structure Fire; INC#0187; 04:31AM; 2324 E Sheridan St; http://bit.ly/2GN8vNu; Boyle Heights; KNOCKDOWN: 41FF in 29mins; Total of 4 patients transported 3M, 35F, 66M in fair to serious condition, 66F in grave condition;LAFD Arson responding for the investigation; FS 2; Batt 1; Central Bureau; Council District 14; BC1 BC11 E2 E201 E202 E25 E4 EM1 EM11 RA1 RA2 RA25 RA4 RA804 SQ21 T1 T2; CH9; 12; Margaret Stewart
