Update Structure Fire 12/28/2022 INC#0873

Update Structure Fire; INC#0873; 01:43PM; 7850 N Balboa Bl; https://bit.ly/3G2I9SX; Van Nuys; Firefighters are initiating an offensive operation. There are multiple businesses housed within the structure and firefighters are conducting an interior fire attack while the truck companies are going to the roof of the attached but not involved units. There is a mobile home park to the south (Delta side) which is exposed to the fire.; FS 90; Batt 10; Valley Bureau; Council District 6; BC10 BC17 CM40 CM42 E100 E105 E287 E288 E289 E290 E90 EM17 RA90 T87 T88 T89 T90; CH9; 17; Margaret Stewart
