Update Structure Fire 12/16/2023 INC#0844

Update Structure Fire; INC#0844; 01:08PM; 911 E 59th St; https://bit.ly/4751U85; Florence; Firefighters are making progress. The building is a large commercial property with a division wall separating the front from the back (A from the C side) and crews are working to keep the fire from extending beyond the wall. There is a 2nd building exposed and firefighters continue working to defend that building. There is a junk yard adjacent with some extension to (possibly) two vehicles but no structure. ; FS 33; Batt 13; South Bureau; Council District 9; BC1 BC11 BC13 BC4 CM22 E14 E15 E203 E21 E215 E221 E226 E229 E233 E235 E264 E266 E27 E295 E3 E33 E46 E57 E66 E95 EA1 EM13 EM9 HR3 RA15 RA33 RA803 RA814 RA833 SO1 SQ21 SQ95 T15 T21 T26 T29 T3 T33 T35 T64 T66 T9 T95 UR3 UR88; CH9; 12 13; Margaret Stewart
