Update Structure Fire 07/30/2016

Update Structure Fire; 09:56PM; 9145 La Tuna Cyn Rd; internal:/; #LaTunaCanyon; Still 4 injuries total: The two "older adult" occupants (1 M 1 F) found pulseless and non-breathing inside the burning home, were rescued by LAFD Firefighters and were initially in grave condition; Two teams of LAFD Firefighter/Paramedics worked relentlessly side-by-side at the scene and during light and siren transport in separate ambulances to the hospital, where they were able to restore a pulse, breathing and blood pressure to both the man and woman; Though the two are now in critical condition, the lifesaving efforts of these veteran LAFD responders has given them a fighting chance of survival; The other adult F (relative?) who suffered significant smoke exposure and minor burns to her L hand in multiple attempts to enter the residence, has sadly taken a turn for the worse, and is now in serious condition at an area hospital; Lastly, the one injured M Firefighter exhibiting effects of extreme exertion during the Herculean firefight and rescue effort, was - pursuant of protocol - taken to an area hospital for further evaluation, where he is soon expected to be released; Monetary loss from the fire is still being tabulated; The cause remains under active investigation; NFD; Brian Humphrey
