Update Structure Fire 04/26/2024 INC#0950

Update Structure Fire; INC#0950; 02:50PM; 1161 N Virgil Av; https://bit.ly/44lVCkS; #EastHollywood; *Address Tentative*. What was initially described as a detached garage ablaze is now described as a one-story residence to the rear of a one-story home. LAFD crews have contained the threat to the adjacent one story home, and are continuing a well-coordinated offensive firefight. No injuries reported. ; FS 35; Batt 5; West Bureau; Council District 13; BC11 BC2 BC5 CM20 CM22 E20 E211 E227 E235 E35 E52 E6 EM11 EM5 RA20 RA35 RA52 RA835 T11 T27 T35; CH9; 12; Brian Humphrey
