Update Rescue 09/12/2018 INC#0814

Update Rescue; INC#0814; 02:30PM; 3631 N Locke Av; internal:/; El Sereno; 2 older adult F were upon steep driveway and badly trapped between driver side of running but unoccupied mid-size SUV (they had alighted from?) and concrete residential stoop; The women's affiliation with the home was not immediately determined; LAFD crews quickly stabilized and lifted the vehicle, freeing the women, One was in critical condition, the other in serious condition when taken to hospital by LAFD Paramedics; LAPD Central Traffic Division Incident #3359; Dispatched LAFD Units: BC2 E2 E201 E212 E417 EM1 HR3 RA4 RA9 T1 T12; - Brian Humphrey
