Update Hiker Rescue 07/02/2023 INC#0496

Update Hiker Rescue; INC#0496; 10:15AM; Rim of The Valley Trail; https://bit.ly/438jPc3; #Tujunga; The ill hiker, now described as a 44 year-old female in fair condition, is adamantly refusing hospital transport. Given her remote location near Mount Lukens, the hovering LAFD rescue helicopter will hoist her aboard and transport her to a safe location at the base of the San Gabriel Mountains, where she will again be offered transportation via a ground-based LAFD ambulance, or be required to confirm her refusal of continued care. ; FS 74; Batt 12; Valley Bureau; Council District 7; AO1 AO2 BC12 E24 E274 E290 E6 H4 H6 HA4 HA6 RA74 RA90 RH114 T74 T90; CH8; 17; Brian Humphrey
