Update Hazardous Materials 10/10/2021 INC#1108

Update Hazardous Materials; INC#1108; 08:00PM; 617 W 7th St; https://bit.ly/3ltkvWV; Downtown; The one LAPD Officer and one LAFD Firefighter who earlier became ill with blurred vision and tingling hands after contact with a combative male civilian at a retail pharmacy, have been treated and released from an area hospital. Though an early evaluation of both responders attire by LAFD HazMat experts detected the presence of cocaine, there is currently no information regarding other contaminants being involved. No other injuries among workers or bystanders have been reported, and no escalating or on-site hazard was identified. Further Media Inquiries Regarding the Incident or Suspect: LAPD Central Division Incident #2849; FS 9; Batt 1; Central Bureau; Council District 14; BC1 E17 E209 E21 E221 E9 E95 EM1 JT6 RA10 RA11 RA13 RA9 SQ21 T21 T9; CH7; 12; Brian Humphrey
