Update Grass Fire 06/30/2021 INC#0008

Update Grass Fire; INC#0008; 01:36AM; 13002 W Culver Bl; https://bit.ly/3jtkYrC; Del Rey; Firefighters have a good handle around the approximately 4 acre grass fire. All air resources and Culver City assets were released. A fire watch will be implemented through the night to ensure no hot spots remain. No injuries reported. No further details.; FS 67; Batt 4; West Bureau; Council District 11; AO1 AO2 BC4 E205 E5 E62 E63 E67 E90 E94 E95 H3 H4 H5 HA3 HA4 HA5 RA62 T5; CH7; 12; Margaret Stewart
