Update Cliff Rescue 05/07/2017

Update Cliff Rescue; 11:03AM; 4100 S Pacific Av; internal:/; #PointFermin; 23 y/o M hiker fell approximately 50' from (witnesses state damp from recent rains) dirt trail onto rocks at shoreline; LAFD Helicopter has safely hoisted patient and transported to hospital with "non-life threatening injury"; The patient's injuries and condition were not specified; Though a hobby drone was spotted in the vicinity *prior* to the arrival of LAFD helicopters, it departed before they arrived, and did NOT directly interfere with rescue operations; NFD; Dispatched Units: E48 T48 E248 BT3 E101 RA101 BT1 RA90 EM11 BC13 T5 E205 T3 E203 UR88 AO2 H1 H2 RH114 E112; - Brian Humphrey
