Train Incident 09/11/2017

Train Incident; 09:42AM; 899 W 7th St;; #DTLA; Metro Center Station - Red/Purple Line Subway - Platform Level; PRELIM: One male was on tracks and struck by unk direction or destination subway train; No entrapment; Unspecified injury; Will be transported to hospital by LAFD ambulance; Unk age/condition/affiliation/circumstances; Subway train will remain immobile until LAFD operations complete; Unknown duration; Metro Red/Purple Line Riders: Follow @MetroLAAlerts on Twitter for service information; Media: LAPD Incident #1813 and Metro; No Further Details; FS 9; Batt 1; Central Bureau; Council District 14; Dispatched Units: E209 E203 T3 E3 HR3 RA3 RA10 EM1 BC1; CH: 7; 15; - Brian Humphrey
