Traffic 11/04/2018 INC#0156

Traffic; INC#0156; 01:32AM; Sb 110 Fy;; Pico-Union; Traffic collision on the SB 110 FWY near Pico Blvd resulted in a total of 9 patients; Three of the patients (unk age/ gender/ condition) were transported by LAFD paramedic ambulance and one BLS ambulance transported an unknown number of patients; No further information regarding incident details or cause; CHP Log #390; FS 11; Batt 11; Central Bureau; Council District 1; BC11 E10 E11 E13 E210 EM1 EM11 EM13 RA11 RA15 RA209 RA803 RA810 RA811 RA9 T10; CH4; 12; Amy Bastman
