Structure Fire 11/17/2016

Structure Fire; 05:52AM; 8414 Langdon Ave;; #NorthHills; 2-story large apartment building with smoke showing. KNOCKDOWN: 32 FF in 26 min. 1 unit in the rear well involved, excessive storage inside. 1 occupant (56 y/o M) inside at the time of the fire. Functional smoke alarms sounded. The occupant escaped w/o injury. Cause of the fire was a floor heater. Firefighters are giving the occupant a $100 SAVE card to assist with immediate needs, and Red Cross is assisting with temporary housing. $loss being tabulated, NFD; FS 90; Batt 10; Valley Bureau; Council District 6; E290 E90 T90 RA90 E7 RA7 E81 E275 T75 E103 BC10 BC12; 9; 18; Erik Scott
