Physical Rescue 08/01/2021 INC#1735

Physical Rescue; INC#1735; 10:25PM; 15115 W Parthenia St;; North Hills; LAFD found one vehicle upside down in the wash. One patient self-extricated with seemingly minor injuries. LAFD firefighter-paramedics will be removing the patient from the wash with a litter basket operation, and transporting the patient to a local hospital due to mechanism (the large amount of force exerted on the vehicle, suggesting injury is likely). Unknown age/gender/condition/circumstances.; FS 7; Batt 12; Valley Bureau; Council District 6; BC12 E239 E275 E290 E81 E90 EM15 HR3 RA75 RA90 T39 T75 T90 UR88; CH8; 17; Nicholas Prange
