Knockdown Fire 12/26/2018 INC#0889

Knockdown Fire; INC#0889; 02:57PM; 19659 Lemay St;; Reseda; Type modified to FIRE; Address/community corrected from 6543 Corbin Av/Winnetka to 19659 Lemay St/Reseda; First arriving 20 LAFD firefighters took just 18 minutes to extinguish well involved (unk type) recreation vehicle that caused damage to two adjacent sheds; No injury; Fire cause/loss to be determined; FS 73; Batt 17; Valley Bureau; Council District 3; Dispatched LAFD Units: BC17 E104 E273 E296 E72 E73 E84 EM17 RA84 RA872 T73 T96; - Brian Humphrey
