Hiker Rescue 12/26/2018 INC#1343

Hiker Rescue; INC#1343; 07:43PM; 8300 W La Tuna Canyon Rd; http://bit.ly/2QUDqYM; Shadow Hills; Uninjured 35 year-old male mountain bicyclist became lost/stranded off narrow trail in La Tuna Canyon Park; Plan A: Hoist hiker (sans bicycle) into helicopter for brief flight to nearby landing zone where he will be met by and transferred to LAFD ground transportation; Park Ranger will arrange for bicycle retrieval from wilderness at later time; FS 77; Batt 12; Valley Bureau; Council District 7; Dispatched LAFD Units: BC12 E24 E289 E89 H5 H6 RA74 RA90 RH114 T89; Radio Channels: 8; 17; - Brian Humphrey
