Hiker Rescue 09/08/2018 INC#0459

Hiker Rescue; INC#0459; 09:46AM; Santa Monica Mountains; http://bit.ly/2O68148; Brentwood; PRELIM: Adult M hiker in serious condition following (unspecified) injury on remote section of Hollyhock Fire Road near Mandeville Canyon; LAFD air ambulance helicopter has landed and ground crews are providing care while shuttling patient on LAFD vehicle to landing zone where patient will be loaded into helicopter for direct hospital transport; FS 19; Batt 9; West Bureau; Council District 11; Dispatched LAFD Units: BC17 BC9 BP19 E19 E237 E37 H3 H5 RA19 RA90 RH214 T37; Radio Channels: 7; 18; - Brian Humphrey
