Hiker Rescue 07/02/2023 INC#0496

Hiker Rescue; INC#0496; 09:38AM; Rim of The Valley Trail; https://bit.ly/438jPc3; #Tujunga; PRELIM: LAFD Ground and Air response to a 30 year-old female hiker in undetermined condition, following a sudden onset of chest pain and altered level of consciousness while traversing a remote section of Rim of The Valley Trail near Mount Lukens in the San Gabriel Mountains. An LAFD rescue helicopter has located the patient, and lowered a Flight Paramedic to complete a primary medical assessment, provide initial care, and prepare her to be hoisted aboard the hovering helicopter for in-flight care during direct air transport to a regional hospital.; FS 74; Batt 12; Valley Bureau; Council District 7; AO1 AO2 BC12 E24 E274 E290 E6 H4 H6 HA4 HA6 RA74 RH114 T74 T90; CH8; 17; Brian Humphrey
