FORWARD PROGRESS STOPPED Brush Fire 07/24/2023 INC#0997

FORWARD PROGRESS STOPPED Brush Fire; INC#0997; 03:00PM; 18613 Mulholland Dr;; #Tarzana; Updated size of the fire is one acre in a very remote area of heavy brush/steep terrain. Seventy-five LAFD firefighters by ground and air, with the help of MRCA and LA County FD, stopped all forward progress of the fire in one hour and nine minutes. Firefighters are continuing to establish hose lines around the perimeter and fortify/improve fire lines. No reported injuries and no structures damaged. Cause under investigation.; FS 109; Batt 10; Valley Bureau; Council District 3; AO1 AO2 BC10 BC17 BC9 CE83 CM40 CM42 DZ45 E108 E109 E273 E290 E293 E73 E8136 E8137 E8138 E8139 E8140 E83 E84 E88 E93 E99 EM17 FR82 FR91 H2 H3 H4 H7 HA2 HA3 HA4 HA7 HE1 RA90 RA93 RA99 RH114 T73 T90 T93 WT88; CH8; 17; Nicholas Prange
