Brush Fire 11/26/2020 INC#0856

Brush Fire; INC#0856; 02:37PM; 12300 W Osborne St;; Hansen Dam; Brush fire (acreage unknown at this time) within Hansen Dam, burning towards the dam wall. This is a wind driven fire with winds at approx 15mph. The fire is spotting due to the winds but there are no structures threatened. Additional resources requested.; FS 98; Batt 12; Valley Bureau; Council District 7; AO2 BC12 BC14 E24 E289 E298 E75 E77 E89 E90 E91 E98 EM15 H2 H3 H5 HA2 HA3 HA5 RA90 RA98 T89 T98 WT77; CH5; 17; Margaret Stewart
