Brush Fire 10/03/2020 INC#0189

Brush Fire; INC#0189; 04:25AM; 10820 N Arleta Av;; Mission Hills; At 3:47AM, the LAFD responded to a reported brush fire. The fire is now at approximately 1 1/2 acres (light to heavy brush with light wind and no structures exposed). Firefighters have lines around the entire perimeter of the fire and all forward progress has been stopped. Crews are transitioning to a mop up operation. No injuries reported. No further details; FS 75; Batt 12; Valley Bureau; Council District 7; AO2 BC12 BC15 E275 E287 E298 E7 E75 E87 E90 E98 EM15 H1 H2 HA1 HA2 RA75 RH114 T75 T87 T98 WT88; CH5; 18; Margaret Stewart
