Agency Assist 09/09/2018 INC#0227

Agency Assist; INC#0227; 03:43AM; Browns Canyon;; Chatsworth; PRELIM: LAFD assisting LACoFD at confined space rescue at abandoned military facility on Oat Mountain (LA-88 Nike); Initial report of 1 injured person 40 feet below grade and 100 feet lateral from access point; Though a joint response, rescue is in LACoFD jurisdiction; All further incident information will therefore come from the Los Angeles County Fire Department; FS 107; Batt 15; Valley Bureau; Council District 12; Dispatched LAFD Units: BC14 BC15 E104 E107 E28 E289 E296 E8 E88 E90 EM15 H5 H6 HR3 RA107 RA889 RA96 T89 T96 UR88 UR89; Radio Channels: 8; 17, 18; - Brian Humphrey
