The below information is provided to assist the member with their development and offer direction as they aspire to promote to the rank of Engineer. The material includes State Fire Training certification task book information, driver premium pay information, Engineer bibliography, and other valuable information to better prepare the member for the role of the Engineer.

LAFD Provided Courses

  • Engineer Academy

  • LAFD Leadership Academy

​​​​​​​State Fire Training

*All State Fire Training task books must be initiated by the SFT Coordinator. The following task books are only for the member to view the curriculum and are not to be initiated by the member.

  • SFT Task Books


    The following classes are part of the driver premium pay curriculum:

    • Fire Apparatus Driver/Operator 1A: Driver/Operator

    • Fire Apparatus Driver/operator 1B: Pumping Apparatus Operations

    • Fire Apparatus Driver/Operator Water Tender Apparatus

    • Instructor 1: Instructional Methodology

    • ICS-300: Intermediate ICS for Expanding Incidents

    • SFT Fire Apparatus Driver/Operator 1E: Wildland Fire Apparatus

Wildland (CICCS/NWCG)

*All CICCS task books must be initiated by the CICCS Coordinator. The following task book is only for the member to view the curriculum and is not to be initiated by the member.

  • Applicable Training to Develop Knowledge and Skills

    • L-180: Human Factors in the Wildland Fire Service

    • L-280: Followership to Leadership

    • S-200: Initial Attack Incident Commander

    • S-215: Fire Operations in the Wildland Urban Interface

    • S-230: Crew Boss (Single Resource)

    • S-231: Engine Boss (Single Resource)

Premium Pay

The driver must meet the following training requirements:

  • California State Fire Training Fire Apparatus Driver/Operator Certification OR SFT Fire Apparatus Driver/Operator 1A

  • TWO of the following courses:

    • SFT Fire Apparatus Driver/Operator 1B: Pumping Apparatus Operations

    • SFT Fire Apparatus Driver/Operator 1C: Aerial Operations

    • SFT Fire Apparatus Driver/Operator 1D: Tillered Apparatus Operations 

    • SFT Fire Apparatus Driver/Operator 1E: Wildland Fire Apparatus

    • ICS-300: Intermediate ICS

    • S-215: Fire Operations in the Wildland Urban Interface

    • S-230/231: Crew/Engine Boss

    • S-404: Safety Officer

    • SFT Instructor 1: Instructional Methodology

    • LAFD Driver/Operator Course

  • In lieu of meeting the course requirements, if a member has 10 or more years in rank they will receive premium pay
