Self-Study Material


  • ​​​Incident Simulation Exercises

  • ICS Manual, Book 30

  • ICS packets; from apparatus inventory

  • Operational Guidebook

  • The National Wildfire Coordinating Group “Incident Response Pocket Guide” (IRPG)

  • Emergency Response Guidebook

  • Manual of Operations; Volume 1-2/1, 2/3

  • Truck Operations; Chapters 3-6

  • Book 35, EMS Field Guide

  • Book 37, Hazardous Materials

  • Book 100 High Rise, Chapters 1-3, 6, 7, 9, 10, 14 and Addendums

  • Book 101 Rapid Intervention

  • Tactical Decision Games

  • Manual of Operations, Volume 2-3/2, 3/3, 4/4

  • Rules and Regulations

  • Memorandum of Understanding, Grievance – 2.1 and 2.2

  • Book 20 – Community Relations

  • Discrimination Prevention Policy Handbook

  • Applicable Department Bulletins – 2005 – 2018

  • LAFD Correspondence Style Guide

  • LAFD Mission, CORE Values, Operating Principles

  • LAFD Strategic Plan, A Safer City 2.0, 2018-2020

  • “It’s Your Ship” by Michael Abrashoff

  • “Good to Great” by Jim Collins

Improving Leadership

  • LAFD Leadership Academy

Interview Help

  • Coming soon
