Self-Study Material

2018 Bibliography

  •  LAFD Rules and Regulations

  • Discrimination Prevention Policy Handbook

  • Applicable Department Bulletins 2005 – 2018

  • Applicable Training Bulletins No. 001 through 172

  • LAFD Mission, CORE Values, Operating Principles, and Strategic Plan 2018 - 2020

  • Incident Simulation Exercises

  • ICS Manual (Book 30) and ICS Packets from apparatus inventory

  • Wildland Operational Guidebook

  • The National Wildfire Coordinating Group, “Incident Response Pocket Guide”

  • Emergency Response Guidebook

  • Manual of Operations Volume 1-2/1, 2/3, Volume 2-3/2, 3/3, 4/4

  • Book 20, Community Relations

  • Book 35, EMS Field Guide

  • Book 37, Hazardous Materials

  • Book 99, Brush Fire Operations Manual

  • Book 100, High Rise, Chapters 1-3, 6, 7, 9, 10, 14, and Addendums

  • Book 101, Rapid Intervention

  • Memorandum of Understanding 22 and 23

  • LAFD Correspondence Style Guide

  • Robert D. Behn, “The PerformanceStat Potential”

  • Principles of FireStat 

Improving Leadership

  • LAFD Leadership Academy 
  • Leadership Books
    • Refer to recommended reading list
  • Naval Postgraduate School Executive Leadership Program
  • USC Leadership Program 




