The below information is provided to assist the member with their development and offer direction as they aspire to promote to the rank of A/O. The material includes State Fire Training certification task book information, driver premium pay information, A/O bibliography, and other valuable information to better prepare the member for the role of A/O.


LAFD Provided Courses

  • AO Company Operator Responsibilities and Expectations (CORE)Target Solutions
  • Fire Apparatus Driver/Operator 1A: Driver/Operator
  • Low Angle Rope Rescue Operational
  • Instructor 1: Instructional Methodology
  • LAFD Leadership Academy
  • Rapid Intervention Crew Operations
  • Rescue Systems 1

​​​​​​​State Fire Training

Wildland (CICCS/NWCG)

  • Incident Commander Type 5 Qualification Requirements

    • RT-130: Wildland Fire Safety Annual Refresher (Target Solutions)

    • S-200: Initial Attack Incident Commander

    • S-131: Firefighter Type 1

    • Satisfactory performance as a Firefighter Type 2

    • Completion and Certification of ICT5 Position Task Book

  • Applicable Training to Develop Knowledge and Skills

    • L-180: Human Factors in the Wildland Fire Service

    • S-215: Fire operations in the Wildland Urban Interface

    • S-230: Crew Boss (Single Resource)

    • S-231: Engine Boss (Single Resource)

Premium Pay

The driver must meet the following training requirements:

  • California State Fire Training Fire Apparatus Driver/Operator Certification OR CSFT Fire Apparatus Driver/Operator 1A

  • TWO of the following courses:

    • CSFT Fire Apparatus Driver/Operator 1B: Pumping Apparatus Operations

    • CSFT Fire Apparatus Driver/Operator 1C: Aerial Operations

    • CSFT Fire Apparatus Driver/Operator 1D: Tillered Apparatus Operations 

    • CSFT Fire Apparatus Driver/Operator 1E: Wildland Fire Apparatus

    • ICS-300: Intermediate ICS

    • S-215: Fire operations in the Wildland Urban Interface

    • S-230/231: Crew/Engine Boss

    • S-404: Safety Officer

    • CSFT Instructor 1: Instructional Methodology

    • LAFD Driver/Operator Course

  • In lieu of meeting the course requirements, if a member has 10 or more years in rank they will receive premium pay
