Jimmie Woods-Gray is a Commissioner of the City of Los Angeles’ Fire Commission. Jimmie moved from Tyler, TX to attend college at Compton Community College. She went on to earn a Bachelor’s degree from California State University, Los Angeles and later earned a Master’s of Science degree from Pepperdine University, Los Angeles.

In 1963, Jimmie began her journey as an early childhood teacher in the LAUSD Children’s Center and in the 1970’s began teaching at the 24th Street Elementary School, where she worked for 32-plus years. At 24th Street School, Jimmie worked as a teacher, mentor teacher, SB65 Outreach Consultant and a SRLDP teacher.

The teaching profession led Jimmie to her involvement with UTLA, the teachers’ union. She was on strike in 1970 and 1989. She held various offices at the Local, State and National levels representing the teachers of Los Angeles and California. Jimmie was a UTLA Chapter Chair, Member of the UTLA House of Representative, Member of CTA State Council, a Member of the National Education Association’s (NEA) Board of Directors for 8 years, and a delegate to CFT and AFT/AFL/CIO Conventions. Jimmie is a past delegate to the Los Angeles County Federation of Labor and the LACOPE/AFL-CIO Board. Presently, Jimmie was a member of the NEA Standing Committee on Legislation and the UTLA PACE Chairperson for 6 years.

While being a union activist, Jimmie continued to work in the community. She was elected in 1994, Chairperson of the Los Angeles County Democratic Party, 47th AD Delegate to the Los Angeles County Democratic Party, elected Member of the California State Democratic Central Committee and an elected member to the California Democratic Party Executive Committee. Jimmie was the first person of color ever elected Chairperson of the LA County Democratic Central Committee and only the second woman ever elected. Jimmie has attended the Democratic National Convention in an official capacity for 4 times. She attended the inauguration of President Clinton and President Obama.

In 2001, Jimmie was appointed to the Department of Neighborhood Empowerment as a Commissioner by then Mayor James Hahn. She was elected Vice President and served as Acting President under Mayor Villaraigosa. She served 5 years as a Commissioner. In 2011, Jimmie was appointed the LA City Council President Eric Garcetti to the LAUSD Redistricting Commission.

Jimmie has been the recipient of numerous honors, awards, and recognitions, including 2005 Los Angeles Pioneer Women of the Year, 2004 CTA Ted Bass Teacher in State Politics Award, 1989 and 1998 CTA/UTLA Who Award, 2002 A&E Biography Community Heroes Exhibit, 2006 UTLA Women’s Committee Woman of the Year, 2006 LAAAWPAC Power PAC Award, 2007 New Frontier Democratic Club Outstanding Leadership Award, National Council of Negro Women, Inc. Distinguished Educator Award and the 2010 California Friends Of African American Caucus’ Inola Henry Memorial Award. Jimmie was honored by the Los Angeles City Council members Eric Garcetti and Herb Wesson, President of LA City Council on June 24, 2011 and the LA City Council and the Mayor signed the Resolution.

Jimmie Woods Gray retired from LAUSD on July 1, 2011.

Jimmie attended the 2012 Democratic National Convention as a delegate in Charlotte, North Carolina. In 2012, Jimmie was reelected to the Los Angeles County Democratic Central Committee. She continues to be an activist in the community.


